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My goodness it's been a while. Pursuant to some emails I've had, I have added an initial listing of Most Notable Reissues. Thank you to Mr. Zimmerman for the suggestion.
Added catalog # for Sings For Two In Love 45rpm set. Thank you to Paul Dyke for relating the information.
Added a February 1944 session to the discography.
Additions / corrections to the 1940 and 1941 discography pages.
Not one but two additions to note this time. First, a write-up for the 1946-1954 compilation album Unforgettable. Second, a basic article concerning Anita Boyer and The King Cole Trio. Odd I should chose this for a subject perhaps, as to be blunt their recordings seem to be more likely to be skipped over on the limited issue they've received, but my hand was prompted by the appearance, perhaps temporary, of a clip on YouTube showing Anita and I hope it's of some interest to Nat fans.
After a bit of a break, I'm back with an extensive article elaborating upon the too-often overlooked jewel in the crown, Where Did Everyone Go? and a little about the context of its release that I hope will be insightful for some. It may later be divided into more comprehensive articles, but we'll see - for now I wanted to get that much up.
Lest one think we shall settle for less than complete ;-)... December 15, 1946 Metronome All Star session, the March 15, 1965 backing track session (for Cat Ballou soundtrack) and a note regarding the alternate of the 1961 Unforgettable added to discography.
Discography for 1963 and 1964 are now available. With his entire recording career of 1936 - 1964 available, the core goal of making a reasonably comprehensive free online discography for Nat King Cole has been accomplished! Whew! Thanks again goes out to Jordan Taylor, Ben, Dale and Clark, without which it couldn't be nearly as complete. There remains much to add in other areas and I look forwards to continuing to enhance this site as a useful and enjoyable place for all Nat fans old and new.
Discography for 1962 now available.
Discography for 1961 added.
A larger image is now available for most covers, and several have been updated with original LP covers (as opposed to similar versions from a CD reissue or other source).
Discography for 1960 added. Note for December 19th 1956 session corrected to read: "the first two tracks (16300 and 16301) were not recorded in 3-track owing to technical problems" upon confirmation of this by someone familiar with the tapes. Updated commentary for The NKC Story release.
Discography expansion continues with 1959 added.
Discography for 1958 added - whew. What a busy year that was.
Discography for 1957 added.
Discography for 1956 added, as well as expanded in-depth chat on the 1956 Session-By-Session page.
Discography for 1955 added. Happy holidays to all!
Discography-wise, the Lester Young dates have been added (1942 and 1945) as well as the heretofore somehow overlooked Dexter Gordon date (which seems to have been from 1943).
Also being plugged at are entries for the original King Cole Trio comps, Volumes 1-4.
Lavished some attention on the page for his oft-overlooked album, King Cole At The Piano, including the correct cover and more extensive commentary.
As the Articles section is rather lonely for the time being, I thought I'd plop in a page about a curiousity: an edition of The King Cole Trio Volume 1 which was autographed by the Trio.
With the addition of discographies for 1936, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1946, 1936 - 1954 are all covered, excepting the Lester Young sessions which will be added shortly.
The informal Discography is expanded with the addition of 1947 and 1948.
1938 and 1939 discography pages are updated. I'd hoped to scare up a bit more solid footing for two sessions from the Savoy Jazz Trio CD (ZDS 1205) but in the absence of anything to the contrary I'm plunking them into the scene as suggested in the notes for that disc.
The informal Discography is expanded with the addition of 1949.
The informal Discography is expanded with the addition of 1938 (the earliest recordings of the Trio) and 1939. In addition, some alterations were made to the "available on" listings of the At a Glance pages for 1950-1954.
Puttering at the albums section continues, with the original comps recieving some more attention in the case of a now-obscure comp from 1952 titled Harvest of Hits. Thanks go out to Clark and Dale for the needed information.
Cole-ctors rejoice, a complete sessionography for the 1950-1954 period is now available: see the Sessions page!
In the process, I decided it may be clearer as a resource to make separate pages for the session information, releases (original and suggested CD releases), and commentary. The session information has priority and is posted for 1950-1954, the releases information for the same time period is posted and is still being tinkered with a bit, and the addition of commentary will be a rather more gradual process.
Once again, thanks are owed to the generous assistance of Jordan Taylor, Clark Kauffman and other Nat enthusiasts for making the information for the 1950-1954 period available and compiling release data as well as for invaluable encouragement and support.
Work continues in presenting a discography for the 1950-1954 period. The updated 1951 session page is here.
After a bit of a breather, the focus continues upon the 1950-1954 period. Courtesy of the generous assistance of Jordan Taylor, Clark Kauffman and other Nat enthusiasts, I'm able to compile more detailed session coverage, beginning with 1950. Some commentary should be added in future and such updates will be noted here, but at this time the focus is on providing the information. The updated 1950 session page is here.
I'm delighted to relate that discographical information covering the years with the most urgent need for such a resource, 1950-1954, are now available courtesy of Clark Kauffman and other Nat enthusiasts who have generously co-operated in the goal of realizing this project.
Adding entries to the Sessions section, covering 1939 and 1956.
After several (mostly stagnant) years at Geocities, I've moved this site to a new ad-free server and am in the process of trying to get this site in better order. First project was in creating a hand-coded template that conforms to HTML and CSS specs for optimum cross-browser compatability and in consideration to persons with visibility or other difficulties. Secondly, select pages were remade in the new template. Then as of today, the first pages went online at their new home. More of the old pages have yet to be rebuilt and uploaded, and when that is finished, work can resume on expanding the good stuff.
I'd like to extend heartfelt appreciation to the people who have given me such kind words of encouragement, and for the encouragement found from many fellow Nat enthusiasts and music lovers.